Daniel De Michele
Director of IOTA Evangelist Network - Founder XDK2MAM
Daniel De Michele (Argentina) is an enthusiast in the world of DLTs since 2013. He is currently Director of the IOTA Evangelist Network, Founder of XDK2MAM, a project oriented to the generation of open source to connect the Bosch XDK110 sensor node with the IOTA Tangle and Director of the IOTA Argentina Community Cluster. He has trained as a self-taught Full Stack Developer and has a degree in Labor Relations, obtaining a hybrid profile between Management and Development. At present, he dedicates full time to the coordination of projects based on the IOTA protocol and to the direction of the IEN, an elite group made up of professionals from around the world working on various projects that use the IOTA Tangle.
- WORKSHOP THEME: "IOTA - Decentralized consensus without miners"
- Time: Thursday, September 3, 14:00 - 15:00 pm (GMT -3)
- PANEL: How to generate Blockchain ecosystems?
- MODERATOR: Pamela González Perilli – Blockchain Core Developer at IOVLabs
- WITH: Pedro Gutierrez (NEM), Daniel de Michele (IOTA), Mariana Sanguinetti (AETERNITY)
- TIME: Friday, September 4, 16:30 pm (-3 GTM)