Gabriel Kurman
RIF Strategy Lead at IOVLabs
Economist. Co-founder of RSK. Executive member of the Latin-American Bitcoin NGO. Co-founder of Blockchain4Humanity.
Co-founder of Koibanx
TOPIC: "Bitcoin as the basis of the financial system of the future"
The world has changed radically in the last 12 months and processes that took decades to mature have accelerated profoundly. On the one hand, with fiat currency inflation accelerating by the recent unprecedented expansion of the global monetary base, a search for an open, decentralized, apolitical store of value will begin.
However, at the same time, the widespread adoption of blockchain technology and smart contracts will allow the construction of a new open and programmable financial system characterized by innovation, free access and low cost that will allow millions of people to integrate into the digital economy today. excluded by the current system. Those who best understand the profound process of change that is taking place will be those best prepared to take advantage of the opportunities of the future ...
TIME: Friday, September 4, 17:00 (GMT -3)