Oscar Dominguez – ing

Oscar Dominguez

CEO & Founder of Territorio Bitcoin

Versatile B2B and B2C Marketing professional with over 30 years of experience in marketing, sales, event planning and development Creative and business-oriented.

He has focused his professional career on the communication sector, decentralized finance and the alternative economy. Experience in developing online projects on the Internet since 2002, the most recent being Territorio Bitcoin, an independent media company with which he won a Digital Award for innovation in media in Spain in 2017.

Organizer of the Spain Blockchain Summit with six editions and more than 50 meetupsOrganizer of the Spain Blockchain Summit with six editions and more than 50 meetingups. (2017 - 2019).

PANEL - Communications and Blockchain

Moderator: Alexis Trujillo (NEM)

Speakers: Oscar Domínguez (Bitcoin Territory), Fernando Quirós (Cointelegraph), German Guismondi (Sharpshark)

TIME: Friday, September 4, 13:50 p.m. (GMT -3)