Pablo Benitez Tiscornia
Director Blockfashion Innovations
Pablo Benitez Tiscornia is a specialist in Fashion and Technology, Director and Co-founder of Blockfashion, a FashionTech company dedicated to work in Blockchain, Big Data, AI and Fashion. Researcher and designer of SmartTextile, Wearables and Fashion tech. Consultant in Fashion Technology. He is doing a Master's Degree in Human Sciences from Udelar, investigating the hybridization of Theater and technology. Diploma in Internet of Things from the UTN (National Technological University). Graduated in Technologies and their practical applications at MIT. He is the director and founder of Tisco Creative Innovations. Head of Innovation at Rua Asistencia, entrepreneur and teacher, consultant for large universities and companies in Latin America, such as ESPM, Escola SP, UNNE, Udelar, ANEP, IMM, Plan Ceibal, Discovery Channel, Divaholic, Telefonica, Delfa. He is the director and curator of ArtFutura Latinoamérica, International Festival of Art and Technology.
TOPIC: Fashion Blockchain: Facilitating transparency within the supply chain of the sustainable fashion industry.
TIME: Thursday, September 3, 11:00 am (GMT -3)
The fashion industry is within the ranking of the most polluting industries in the world, and also within the most doubtful in terms of inhumane work practices and conditions. When we think about fashion and more specifically about sustainable fashion, which we understand is the one that will save the world, we speak that to be sustainable the most important condition is to be transparent and make our processes visible, so from the industry we must rethink technique and ethically how we are working.
The new consumer is a consumer who cares about the transparency of the processes within the products they buy. IBISWorld research and studies report that Millennials do not consume fast fashion or fast fashion, since they have a tendency to distrust fashion brands, even if they promote their sustainable practices.
For this reason we understand that the Fashion Blockchain is a very strong advance within the fashion industry, as it will ensure a more ethical approach and validate the processes within the industry supply chains. It is important to remember that to be sustainable we must be transparent, and to be transparent we must rely on technologies that validate these processes.
In Latam, with BLOCKFASHION, we are working hard to optimize the supply chains of small and large brands throughout Latin America, making the processes of the different brands more transparent