Patricia Tudisco – eng

Patricia Tudisco

A Certified Public Accountant, graduated in 1999 from the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Administration at UDELAR. In 2005, she obtained a Diploma in Economics for Non-Economists, and in 2006, a Diploma in Economics and Banking Management, both issued by the Faculty of Social Sciences (UDELAR). Additionally, in 2011, she earned a Master’s in Financial Management from ORT.

She joined the Central Bank of Uruguay in 2004 as an analyst in the Superintendency, working on Bank Asset Recovery Funds until 2007, when she moved to the Securities Market and AFAP area. In 2009, after the merger of the Superintendency, she began working in the Methods Department until 2014, when she was promoted to Head of Authorizations and Settlements II. Previously, from 1994 to 2004, she worked at the Mortgage Bank of Uruguay.

In November 2021, the Board of Directors granted her the acting position in the Financial Regulation Office, and in January 2023, she was appointed to the role.

TOPIC - Regulation and Blockchain: Implications of the Virtual Assets Law.

  • TIME: Friday, October 18, 12:00 (-3 GTM)